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My Story

I was born and raised in the beautiful island of Aruba, where I grew up surrounded by my loving family and close-knit community of friends. After leaving the island to attend University in the U.S., I faced several challenges and setbacks in my personal and professional life. But I refused to allow them to define me, and, with the help of others, I persevered.

After graduating from University, I returned home and joined my family’s business, where I worked alongside my dad and brother for over 15 years. Despite achieving great success, I still felt like there was something more significant I wanted to do with my life.

I took a two-year sabbatical to study theology, and during that time, I felt a clear sense of purpose to start a church and became a pastor. Through my work in the church community, I found a passion for helping others discover their purpose and develop their leadership focus, established a leadership institute, with the intent of building a network of individuals with a shared vision to love, serve, and impact our community.

In 2017 I saw the need for a Platform, where people across sectors and disciplines can collaborate towards building a strong national civic movement, this led to the establishment of HopeAruba Movement Foundation. In addition to my spiritual leadership, now in a different role, I continue to be involved in our family businesses in a Supervisory Board capacity.

In every endeavor I am involved in, the vision is to bring people together from every walk of life to create positive change leading to co-created and co-shared prosperity in the Aruban community.

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